A soil-first approach to regenerative land management.

We use goats to mitigate noxious weeds and fire risk by building a more resilient ecosystem.


Jonathan Bartley
Founder, Co-owner

I started this business after 4 seasons of Wildland Firefighting, the last of which impacted my own community. My desire is to create an impact on the Durango community, helping manage weeds and bolstering the fire defense in our vulnerable part of the country, all the while maintaining a sustainable and eco-friendly impact that will allow the influenced environment to protect itself for years to come. I come with a team of hard-working, hungry goats, ready to save the day!

Adrian Lacasse

I discovered my passion for the environment volunteering for a habitat-restoration group in Southern California while working full-time in animation. By the time I was ready to make the career switch, I was also ready to leave the city. I traveled to different areas of the country learning food production, and accidentally discovered Durango’s amazing community of farmers. (We would be nowhere without their support!) I found that managed correctly, goats can contribute to both habitat restoration and healthy food production. I maintain a small dairy herd while using the DuranGoats boys to improve soil conditions and fire safety on a larger scale.